Hermann Strasser

MELOPHYL - (acronym for Melolontha and Phyllopertha Control) is a joint project of Bezirkslandwirtschaftskammer Landeck, Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung – Gruppe Agrar and University Innsbruck, to characterise the persistence of two entomopathogenic fungal antagonists – Beauveria brongniartii BIPESCO 2 and Metarhizium brunneum BIPESCO 5 - in Scarabaeidae infested areas in North Tyrol (Austria).

The project is funded by Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung (Vertragsnummer: 016135).

Blatthornkäfer Monitoring und Persistenzerhebung der Pilzpathogene Beauveria und Metarhizium in ausgewählten Befallsgebieten in Tirol (→ Pressemeldung Juli 2020).

In cooperation with the Regional Chamber of Agriculture Landeck/Tyrol and the Office of the Tyrolean Regional Government, Gruppe Agrar, a Melolontha (European cockchafer) and Phyllopertha (garden chafer) monitoring will be carried out, with focus on the Tyrol region West. In addition, the application success of two biocontrol products MelocontTM Pilzgerste and GranMet-PTM is evaluated, after applying the two fungal products once or twice, respectively, at different quantities for sustainable control of the two major white grub pests at six sites (i.e. European cockchafers and garden chafer).

Runtime: 2020-2021

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More details:

Working group: WG Strasser